A new versatile tool, combining Shear Force Microscopy and X-Ray Spectroscopy was designed and constructed to\r\nobtain simultaneously surface topography and chemical mapping. Using a sharp optical fiber as microscope probe,\r\nit is possible to collect locally the visible luminescence of the sample. Results of tests on ZnO and on ZnWO4 thin\r\nlayers are in perfect agreement with that obtained with other conventional techniques. Twin images obtained by\r\nsimultaneous acquisition in near field of surface topography and of local visible light emitted by the sample under\r\nX-Ray irradiation in synchrotron environment are shown. Replacing the optical fibre by an X-ray capillary, it is\r\npossible to collect local X-ray fluorescence of the sample. Preliminary results on Co-Ti sample analysis are\r\npresented.